29.5R25 SUPER ADT Case Study in South African Chrome Mine 40% LOWER COST-PER-HOUR THAN THE BEST TIER 1 BENCHMARK
The Background

Our end user started his business with just one wheel loader in 1969. In the past half of a century, he had managed to expand from the Western Cape, into the Northern Cape and Northwest Province, establishing a fleet that includes more than 300 vehicles suited to a host of applications.

The chrome mine site mentioned in this case study is a relatively new one and has only been operating for 11 months in the North West province, South Africa. The haul roads and dumping areas are in fair condition with the occasional spillage noted. There are also some tight turns in places.

As most of the Tier 1 brand tyres running on site were E3/L3 or E3+, at the beginning we also introduced our PROADT E3/L3 tyres to test on-site. According to the data collected, PROADT tyres ranked 2nd in terms of wear rate and achievement hours because of lower original tread depth but 1st in cost-per-hour with an outperformance of 20%.

To improve the total service life and further reduce the cost-per-hour, after analyzing the working conditions in detail, we recommended our ‘Generation II’ E4 tyre - SUPER ADT to start a new round of field tests last year.

The Challenge
  • End User's Expectations on More Competitive CPH
The Solution

As most tyres running on-site can be worn out, therefore we use projected tyre life to show all tyres’ longevity.

The performance of SUPER ADT tyres is very satisfactory with the final projections showing that we will outperform any other brand on-site, in terms of both achievement hours and CPH. This is against all Tier 1 tyres running on-site as well as at other pits owned by the end user.

According to the data collected, SUPER ADT tyres provide a 40% lower CPH compared with the best-performed tyres from the Tier 1 competitor GY.

The Future

The end user is more than happy with Techking’s product performance and professional on-site services. We have managed to convert over 80% of the fleet onto Techking tyres. In the future, as the in-depth implementation of Techking’s localization strategies, we will work more closely with our local partners to create more value for our end users.